what is mango

Mango or stone fruit is a very nice fruit and has a lot of fans in this universe. Mango belongs to Mangifera. The mango came from Asia and then spread to the world and now most all of country has mango. Mango has many variations in size and color depends what mango it is, for example you can find yellow mango, green, orange, or even red.

The cultivation of mango largely found in tropical climates, such as India, china and Indonesia. The taste of mango is vary, depend what mango it is. In fact mango commonly tastes sweet. Furthermore the texture of mango could be soft and solid. Actually it depends on you what mango do you prefer to.

Mango can also use for food. Many soy sauce or curries are from the sour of mango. It means mango is not only to consume directly but also can be consuming after it become a food. After that, mango is good to be juice. Mango juice tastes very nice you should try this one.

Mango is very good for you because it has polyphenols, omega3, omega 6 vitamin A, vitamin C, beta-carotene, etc. In conclusion mango is very good for you because it is a healthy fruit.
Well what makes you feel reluctant to consume mango?

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