get pain to be stronger

Life must not be easy. Many obstacles may come to us. Since we have grown and become an adult, problem seems never stop to follow us. For the people who are not accustomed to face the problem they could become stress and get depression. At the other hand someone who has many experience with the problem is going to be stronger. Unfortunately some people choose playing save without any desire to take a risk. It means that this person does not have experience to face the problem. Well why does pain important to us?, here are some explanation about pain itself.

What is pain? pain is something that hurt yourself enough and make you feel stress, depress, inconvenient, or even crazy. Sure no one in this universe want to have pain. People always try to avoid this one. In fact pain is inevitable. To gain something good there always a risk to get pain. For example, an introvert person want to be a social person. He want to be a socialize but he do not want to try to blend to other because he afraid it will be pain when they abandon him. So in this situation that introvert man will not ever become a socialize person because he never try to be better.

So you should take a risk to get pain if you have a good reason. That's why pain can teach you anything. Pain can help you to thrive in all aspect that you want. You will know what a mistakes that have you made, and pain will help you to remember it or keep that in your heart. But if you cannot control the pain that you have in the past it will be worst. Due to memory it can bring you a trauma that make you afraid to do your ambition again.

Never afraid about pain. Pain will be good teacher for you as long as you can control yourself. You should be stronger by the pain that you have, or you will be controlled by your own pain.

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