how to kill the mouse

Mouse is an animal that live in every part of the world. Most of people hate this animal because they eat and chew anything in your home. Mouse is also called a destructive animal since they can tired your jacket, pans, or even it can also eat your thumb.

Knowing the mouse is very danger for us, we must try to eradicate and kill all of them. So how to kill the most and keep them away from your room, here are some ways that you should try to deal with the mouse

1. Special glue
You can buy, or find it in the shop, the mouse will trap in the glue, and after it traps you can fornicate it.

2. Trap
It is almost same as a glue but trap can kill the mouse immediately or capture it in a Small jail.

Poison is an alternative way if you do not have glue or trap. If you are interested in using poison make sure that you buy a strong poison because if you do not it will be very hard to find the cadaver . After that, make sure that you keep away the poison from children and another animal like a dog because it is very danger.

however if you just want to keep them away rather than killing them you can try these

1. Paint them
When you see a mouse, take it and spray them with a white color. According to the myth the other mice will be afraid to come to your home again because they saw their friend become a white. Maybe they think their friend become a god or a holy mouse lol. Remember mouse is a smart animal.

2. Camphor
You can put a camphor in your room to avoid the mouse. Mouse really hate a camphor.

3. Cat
Keep cat in your home and mouse will be gone.

4. Cricket
Mouse does not like a sing of cricket. Even you do not have a cricket in your home you can play a cricket voice by download it on the Internet.

So those are some tips to kill and to keep the mouse away.

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