destructive mouse

Why rats cannot stop eating something. Ya one of the reasons why rat or mouse become an enemy of human it is because they cannot stop chewing something. Whenever they go they always chew anything. Your soap, book, cloth, box, bed etc. Sure this is makes human angry. Can you imagine that when you have a good sweater or jacket then you see a hole due to the rat. I believe that you will try to find a way how to kill them. Even when you are sleeping rats can eat you thumb, wow it must be terrible.

After that mice also spread many disease. It can harm human and get infected by those bacteria. So killing a rats is a must. Because they almost does not have any benefit unless just annoy a human.

Well back to the topic that, why rat cannot stop chewing or ruin anything you have? The reason is because if they stop chewing they are going to die. How could it be? It is because their teeth. They must chew something in order to keep their teeth short. Rats have a teeth that grow fast. If they teeth has grown very long they cannot eat anymore. It also can kill them by stabbing their own forehead.

So now you know why mouse cannot stop ruin and annoy your gadget it is because they need to do it  in order to keep their teeth in shape. It is a must for a rat in order to stay alive.

Now you know why mouse cannot stop chewing and annoy you. It is because they must to do that. Not just for fun. Well I hope now you have a little bit charity to kill the rats fast and don't torture them.

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