how to study hard
Study is very important especially for a student. Study can empower your knowledge and built your character. When you have a lot of knowledge automatically your behave will change. Lets take a look for a people who has lack of knowledge. It seems that they look idiot when interact to other. While, for a person who has much knowledge for example a president or politician they talk so good.
After that for a student study hard is a must. When you see a diligent students they must better than other student. Teacher always motivate the student to study hard, but still, many students has a difficulty to study hard. So what should we do to be able to study hard.
1. Love subject that you want to study
What ever your subject you want to study, you must love it first. For example if you want to study hard in math then you should love math first. If you love it, studying hard will happen automatically.
2. Imagine your goal
There is so hard for you to study hard if you do not have a goal. Goal is important for you to boost you will to study. Without goal study will be boring and dull.
3. Under pressure
Some people said that, when you are under pressure you will gain a power that you have never imagined. For example, when you are chasing by a mad dog, you speed will increase significantly, it also happen when you want to study, when you are under pressure, for example tomorrow will be a day for you dead examination, i believe that you will study hard. So your must find your pressure in order to study hard. For example you can make your parent or teacher as your pressure.
4. Choose good environment.
Environment is very important for you. If you live around a diligent student you tent to be diligent and vica versa. So just make relationship to a diligent man and hard worker because they can motivate you to study hard to gain your goal.
not too happy not too sad
Well my post today is about feeling. What does it mean not too happy and not too sad? well it seems that you feel really happy when you in a good condition when you falling in love, getting a lot of money, having a good job, pass an examination etc.
While, at the same time perhaps you going down or fell so sad and gloomy when you in bad situation. For instance, you having an accident, broken heart, losing some one, etc.
The problem is all of people just want to be happy and do not want to be sad. Sure I want it too, but it is impossible. If you fall deeply into gloomy life, it could be very danger. However life if balance so you have control your emotion in all condition whether it sad or happy.
When you are happy yes it feel like this world is yours. Nobody can stop you but you must control yourself. Not to be very happy. Because remember someday your happiness will be gone. You are not immortal remember that.
At another time when you are down, do not really sad, because remember many people still have a worst problem than yours. You are not alone. When you are sick, there are still many people who almost die. You lose someone that your love, people have lost their love one before you do. So there are no reason you feel so sad.
Happy and sad are feeling that human have. They are a normal and can be good for you if you can control them. Make your happy as yours, and make your sad as your teacher to be better and the happiness will come to you.
While, at the same time perhaps you going down or fell so sad and gloomy when you in bad situation. For instance, you having an accident, broken heart, losing some one, etc.
The problem is all of people just want to be happy and do not want to be sad. Sure I want it too, but it is impossible. If you fall deeply into gloomy life, it could be very danger. However life if balance so you have control your emotion in all condition whether it sad or happy.
When you are happy yes it feel like this world is yours. Nobody can stop you but you must control yourself. Not to be very happy. Because remember someday your happiness will be gone. You are not immortal remember that.
At another time when you are down, do not really sad, because remember many people still have a worst problem than yours. You are not alone. When you are sick, there are still many people who almost die. You lose someone that your love, people have lost their love one before you do. So there are no reason you feel so sad.
Happy and sad are feeling that human have. They are a normal and can be good for you if you can control them. Make your happy as yours, and make your sad as your teacher to be better and the happiness will come to you.
how to kill the mouse
Mouse is an animal that live in every part of the world. Most of people hate this animal because they eat and chew anything in your home. Mouse is also called a destructive animal since they can tired your jacket, pans, or even it can also eat your thumb.
Knowing the mouse is very danger for us, we must try to eradicate and kill all of them. So how to kill the most and keep them away from your room, here are some ways that you should try to deal with the mouse
1. Special glue
You can buy, or find it in the shop, the mouse will trap in the glue, and after it traps you can fornicate it.
2. Trap
It is almost same as a glue but trap can kill the mouse immediately or capture it in a Small jail.
Poison is an alternative way if you do not have glue or trap. If you are interested in using poison make sure that you buy a strong poison because if you do not it will be very hard to find the cadaver . After that, make sure that you keep away the poison from children and another animal like a dog because it is very danger.
however if you just want to keep them away rather than killing them you can try these
1. Paint them
When you see a mouse, take it and spray them with a white color. According to the myth the other mice will be afraid to come to your home again because they saw their friend become a white. Maybe they think their friend become a god or a holy mouse lol. Remember mouse is a smart animal.
2. Camphor
You can put a camphor in your room to avoid the mouse. Mouse really hate a camphor.
3. Cat
Keep cat in your home and mouse will be gone.
4. Cricket
Mouse does not like a sing of cricket. Even you do not have a cricket in your home you can play a cricket voice by download it on the Internet.
So those are some tips to kill and to keep the mouse away.
how to be a wise man
Some people say for a person like a wise man because he/she can talk wisely and make people around them fell comfortable. A wise man always has a lot of fans because they can spread the positive energy and encourage people to be better. Many people ask to them because it seem they know everything. Even for a show they can be paid very expensive. So do you wan to be a wise man that can solve a lot of problem? Here are a few tips that you should try to be a wise man.
1. Reading alot
Reading is the best way to acknowledge knowledge. Knowledge is very important for you and it could make you a wise man. When you have a lot knowledge, your speaking will be more precious than a people who lack of knowledge. So people will believe what ever you say because you have knowledge and you can easily to refer your argument with a fact, because you know many thing in this world.
2. Control emotion
Many people cannot control their emotion and start to fight like a kid. The wise man never do this such a thing. They always control their emotion even they face with a looser. They just stay cool and let people judge it. Because remember people can judge you as a right person even you do not argue anything.
3. Arrogant
Do you thing a wise man arrogant. No sure they are not. A wise man always try to blend to other even to a bad person. A wise man has a strong power to changer a bad man to be a good man. So Do not be arrogant and always blend to other.
4. Do not be a liar
Lie is very fatal. Once people know you are imposter, you will be not a good man anymore. To be a good man you must be honest even it very hard situation. Sure there is exception or this. Make you sure you lie if you have strong reason for a good thing.
hard work is a must
Sometime we think that why we cannot reach our dream. I believe that as a good man you have a lot of dream but perhaps none all of them that you have already reached. When we see a people who have reached their dream we must impress and obsess with this person.
We get motivation for a while but after for a long period of time the motivation fade away. After we know to be a success person like a man that we admire is not easy, sometime we think about giving up. Many of people feel this moment and they decide to give up.
Well no body can success without hard work. Hard work is a must if you want to be a man on your dream. That is easy to see those people but when you know how hard they have passed to reach their dream perhaps you do not admire them anymore.
If you really want to be success like the person that you admire you must try to do your best. No word for giving up. Giving up is only for a looser. Anything you do as long as you do that consistently and whole-hearted I believe that you will gain it.
You should not follow the people that judge you as a loser. Sometimes you should be independent and never follow other. Especially for the negative one. Everything is a positive. In my religion my God said, God never change you unless you change yourself first.
It means you cannot be success automatically unless you try to do something to be success. After you have done, then let the God decides it wether your ambition is good for you or not. The one of the reasons you are not success after you have done everything to reach your dream it is because the God knows it is not good for you. Remember God know everything that you do not know. And the God really appreciates your hard work.
what makes android so popular
Android is a new operating system that is very popular in the world. Most of smartphone use android as their operating system. In fact, many android rivals including java, apple, and window cannot beat this operation system.
Due to the popularity of android, many smartphone company hanged their product to the android including the big company such as samsung and sony corporation. In fact after this company use android, their product become more and brand become more famous that before then it makes other company try to follow it.
So what makes android become so many fans around the world
1. Appstore
Appstore is a huge library for android application. So many application you can download free. This is one of the reason why people really love using android
2. Many feature
In android you will find so many feature and gadget that you cannot find in other operation system. It is almost like a desktop in your mobile.
3. Internet connection is so fast
Android has been designed for Internet. As we know that android is a one of google product, so no wonder why feature for Internet is very amazing.
4. Many games and applications are available
So many software that is available in android, including social network, online game, electronic book, etc
5. BBM
This is a big phenomena for blackberry company. Now you can use BBM in android.
destructive mouse
Why rats cannot stop eating something. Ya one of the reasons why rat or mouse become an enemy of human it is because they cannot stop chewing something. Whenever they go they always chew anything. Your soap, book, cloth, box, bed etc. Sure this is makes human angry. Can you imagine that when you have a good sweater or jacket then you see a hole due to the rat. I believe that you will try to find a way how to kill them. Even when you are sleeping rats can eat you thumb, wow it must be terrible.
After that mice also spread many disease. It can harm human and get infected by those bacteria. So killing a rats is a must. Because they almost does not have any benefit unless just annoy a human.
Well back to the topic that, why rat cannot stop chewing or ruin anything you have? The reason is because if they stop chewing they are going to die. How could it be? It is because their teeth. They must chew something in order to keep their teeth short. Rats have a teeth that grow fast. If they teeth has grown very long they cannot eat anymore. It also can kill them by stabbing their own forehead.
So now you know why mouse cannot stop ruin and annoy your gadget it is because they need to do it in order to keep their teeth in shape. It is a must for a rat in order to stay alive.
Now you know why mouse cannot stop chewing and annoy you. It is because they must to do that. Not just for fun. Well I hope now you have a little bit charity to kill the rats fast and don't torture them.
the best social network
Social network is a new way to interact to people without see people directly or face to face. There are so many social network but only a few social networks are very popular. What is the reason why them become popular because each of them has its superiority. So what are them? Here are five best social network in the world.
1. Facebook
Facebook is a number one because it has very many and complete gadget. Game, online chat, status update, profile, video chat and so on. In facebook people can share anything even the status or their privacy.
2. Twitter
Unlike facebook, twitter has their own style, Twitter doesn't have complete gadget just like facebook, they just has status update, but it makes people update the status frequently than facebook. This is makes some people more interested in twitter.
3. Blackberry
Blackberry is a social network that always online. Blackberry is the most popular social network in mobile. Since it is always online, so they can see message immediately just like short message service. But in blackberry also has photo profile and status update.
4. Skype
Skype is also a good way for socialize. Skype superiority is a video chat, so by using skype you can chat face to face even for long distance.
4. Yahoo messenger
Yahoo is also popular social network, but many of yahoo user has move to facebook because it has more gadget. But yahoo still has many user even not as much as facebook.
blog anti copy paste
Plagiasm in Internet is a common problem. People must do a hard work, while the ohters just enjoy and copy paste. Actually writing is not easy. It require time and idea. Since it is a hard work, people often ask this question, can we make our article cannot be copied by someone. No, you cannot. Even if you put banner anti copy paste, people still can copy it. Some people try to use java script to make their cannot be copied, but when the javascript turn to disable it won't work anymore. So what should we do? Well there are some solution that we can do. We cannot avoid the copy paste but we can report the article that had copied by someone to the google here.
Afterthat google very hate unoriginal post. It is cool when you see some copy paste blog become a great blog and has a huge traffic but actually
it is just for a while. I have seen that some website but I don't want to mention the name because it is a privacy I think. This website has a huge traffic and visitor, Then I shocked when tried to open it again, this site has been deleted by google.
In response to a complaint we received under the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act, we have removed 1 result(s) from this page. If you wish, you may read the DMCA complaint that caused the removal(s) at
Well i think you have seen the words that appear when you try to visit plagiasm website. If your content is unoriginal you may find this one. And your site cannot be seen in seach engine anymore.
So just make your original post and your real writing, because your writing is good, as long as you trust.
why many people love anime
Japan's cartoon or anime has many fans around the world. This cartoon is not very good in graphic i think because it only has two dimension. At the other hand nowadays many cartoon has fix the graphic even for now it has four dimension. But still, many people do not want to leave the anime cartoon. So what make people really love anime, here are the answer.
The story
While most of cartoon tend to focus on graphic, anime is prefer to the story. Story is like a key of anime. Without a good story, anime is nothing.
Most of anime has a episode just like a drama film. So many people will follow the story and start loving the anime. while for the other cartoons it is very hard to make episode because to make a four dimension of graphic will spend a lot of time.
Most of animes are fiction. This is also one of the main point that makes anime very interesting for people. So people use all of the imagination when they are watching anime.
There are many type or story of anime. Including, adult anime, adolescent anime, joke anime, and sure kids anime. So all of people can enjoy the anime. No wonder if so many of anime's fans around the world.
So if you are the one of the anime's fans, perhaps you can give your comment or add reasons what makes anime is very interesting.
motivation to learn english
According to Horace Mann (1796-1859) “A teacher who is attempting to teach, without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn, is hammering on a cold iron” It means that, inspiration is very important for studying English.
For this reason I want to teach pupil by giving them an inspiration before begin to study. So, I am going to explain you about ‘how to inspire and motivate the student to learn English’ To what extent inspiration is effective in studying English?
If you inspire the student before you begin to teach the student, it will be more effective. This study is a field research. However I’m going to go and test my victim by myself. My victim is my young brother. In this research I will test my younger brother to learn three different materials. The first materials are Bahasa Indonesia, English, and Math.
My young brother has joined some course which is consisted by math, English, and Bahasa Indonesia.
For the first, I gave him a pre test about those courses. The materials are 1st grade elementary school. My young brother is 5 years old, so the material is suitable to his age. After I gave the pre test the score that I got rather equal, 34 for math, 33 for Bahasa Indonesia, and 28 for English.
Since my research is about Learning English, so I decide to motivate him in this subject. The way I motivated him is by saying some of motivation words, for example: He is really loves playing game and he often asks me about the game, so then I motivate them by this word. “By studying English you can be easily to play game, because you know the guide how to play it.” The second motivation is “If you can speak English in front of your teacher, they will be very proud of you.” The third because he really want to be a president, so I gave this words to him “English is very important for our life because someday if you want to be a president you must be able to speak English.”
The other way, I motivate him by giving some prize. Since he loves a toy, so I decided to give him a new toy if he success in English. After one month, I decided to make a post test. I tested him about 3 main subjects that he has learned from his course. The test is consisting by Math, Bahasa Indonesia, and English. I gave him questions from first grade of elementary school. The difficulty level of this test is same with the pre test, but the questions are different.
After that, I assessed his answer and I got the very amazing score. He got 60 for math, 40 for Bahasa Indonesia, and 78 for English. So based on this research, I assume that, the studying of English will be more effective if you give inspiration why we should learn English, and how important it is.
organization on campus
Organization is a social unit or community of people which is structured to achieve a goal. Each committee has a different purpose. There are many kinds of organizations on campus Including PEMA (Student Government), PMI (Red Cross), and BEM (Student Executive Agency). Unfortunately, many students think about joining organization will devastate their education. They believe that all of their time will be spent in organization. Actually, those people do not know what are the benefits of joining the organization. These are some reasons why you should join the organization.
As we know, human cannot live alone. We always need others. By joining organization you will get many acquaintances. It means that you built your social networking. Believe or not these people will help you someday. For example, they will give any important information for you including, job vacancy and scholarship. This is one of reasons why people who have joined organization usually get job easier.
Each person is a leader. Eventhough, You do not lead other people, you are a leader for yourself. You control everything for your life. If you are a good leader, you must be a good person and vice versa. The good way to build leadership can be trained by joining an organization. In organization you will meet many people with different characters. This is going to be your challenge. However, it will improve you public speaking skill by the time you interact to others. After that, in community you may experience become a volunteer, chairman and many other that empower your personality as a leader.
However, to be success in life is not only about your GPA or you Intelligence. In the real world, when you try to find a job, your leadership, speaking skill, personality and other characters are more important. So, as a brilliant young people you should equalize your education and those characters by the organization.
benefits of napping
Do you think people who like a nap are lazy? wait, before you judge them as lazy man you have to know some benefits of naps. So what are them here we go...
Improve the brain power
Many research have shown that, after we had a nap, our brain perform and memorize faster. This is because our brain has a break time in the daylight.
Solution for insomnia
Insomnia have a very hard to sleep at night, so nap can be the best solution for them. Even though nap and sleeping at night is not same, but at least the people who have insomnia has a little time for break and recharge their mind.
Avoiding stroke and heart attack
Naps also can help you to prevent heart attack, cited by long research in Greece. In fact many study reveal most of heart attack case is found in the productive country that many of villagers do not take a nap, because they are very busy.
Enhance the immunity power for a toddlers
No wonder why parent ask their kid to stop playing and take a nap, this is because nap is very important for toddlers especially to empower the immunity.
So do not think nap just a hobby for lazy man, a good nap is about 20 to 30 minutes. Not to long because it can make you hard to wake up and headache. After that do not sleep at 4 to 6 pm because it will lead you to feel stress.
persuade and convince people
Persuasion and conviction are a skill that very important for your life. A good public speaker or preacher must have those skills. If you can persuade and convince people you can control everybody. But convincing people is not easy especially for educated man. You must have a lot of knowledge to persuade or you words will be a mumbo-jumbo.
Nobody will listen to you if you do not have these skill. This is more important than a power because a person who has been convicted by you will do anything for you without any hesitation. For example when you force your friend to make your homework because you have power the result could be bad. In contrast when you persuade your friend about making your homework, they will do their best to do that. So I pretty sure that you really want to learn how to persuade and convince people.
1. Give a reason why they should follow your instruction
When you ask someone to do something or to avoid something you must give a clearly reason. For example " you should go to work tomorrow because the boss will do a regular check tomorrow. Reason is very important because without a clear reason you cannot persuade people.
2. Give your argument
Show your argument why they should or should not. You can say the argument follow your experience, knowledge, or your own opinion. But make sure that your argument is good enough to convince people because if your argument is unthinkable you persuasion will be fail.
3. Show the fact
Fact is something that unbeatable. fact is a something that nothing can change it. Every human will die, that is a fact no one can change it. Fact really important to persuade people. The strongest part to convince and persuade people is a fact. So you must find a fact before you persuade people.
4. No hesitation
How people believe you if you still doubt with your argument. So you must say your world confidently and strictly, just pretend everything you say is correct and there are no mistakes. Show your best intonation without any hesitation.
what is perfectionist
Everything must be perfect, this is an argument from a perfectionist. Perfectionist is a human character. Many people want to be a perfectionist because anything they do is the best. Perfectionist has negative and positive effects. Perfectionist always make anything for their best, sometimes its make them very tired or exhausted. For example when a teacher has him do homework, they will do anything that they could, including any detail that do not really important. For instance, perfectionist make their homework with a good cover, full with detail explanation, has a background, etc. At the other hand for us this is not really important.
After that perfectionist is bad in work group. They easily to find any mistakes that people make. They are not tolerant for any mistakes even for themselves. So when you are working with perfectionist, you have to do your best or they won't consider you as the team.
Most of perfectionist is a good worker. They are a good employee. If you are the boss and your employee is a perfectionist you must be satisfaction by their work, but if your boss is perfectionist it means you will have a lot of critics.
Be perfectionist will push yourself. Perfectionist always want to be perfect. They want everybody love them. They hate a critic. Sometime they afraid to make a mistakes, because mistakes is very bad for them. They do all of preparation to avoid any mistake. This is one of the character of perfectionist. They do not want to go ahead without any preparation. But when they want to show off it could be the best show that you have ever seen.
So being perfectionist has advantages and disadvantages, if you think you are a perfectionist you must learn to accept any mistakes that you make because nobody perfect in this work. Then if you think you are not perfectionist you must learn from their behave to do anything with their best. This is what makes perfectionist success.
disadvantages of being handsome
In reality people cannot choose the face that they want. Most of people really want to have a good appearance. Women want to be beautiful and Men want to be handsome. Today we are going to talk about what is the disadvantages of being handsome. In fact people just think about being handsome is full of advantages. But many handsome men still stress and have many problem in their life. So what are the disadvantages of being handsome..
1. Become an object of girls
Many girls always try to blend in handsome men. They just want to get handsome man as their boyfriend. But only a low level want to do this things. It is because a beautiful girls also have a same thought as handsome boy. They don't want to start making any interaction before. Most of the beautiful girls have an arrogant thinking and they just waiting because they also have many fans like handsome man does. That's why most of the handsome boys do not have a beautiful girlfriend.
2. Arrogant
Because you are handsome, you will be seen as an arrogant people especially if you are calm and silent. Many girl adore you, sure you cannot accept all of them, and those people who have been abandoned by you will think you as an arrogant man. So make sure that you always keep an interaction to other even you do not like them.
3. You will be a gossip topic
When you have a little acne in your face, it is going to be a hot gossip on the campus especially for a girls. This is make another men will be jealous to you, and how about the bigger problem for example when you get close to some girls, sure many gossip will fly about you.
4. It seems anything you do is worthless
When you success becoming an actor, having a good job, getting a modeling people just judge you that is because you are handsome. In contrast any think an ordinary people done for example some people who are not handsome have made a new good experiment people gonna judge him aaah that is a great person.
5. It is very hard for handsome boy to say love to a beautiful girl
Handsome boy doesn't have a good skill for blending with a girl because they have many fans. They just accustomed to be got than give. It means that they just want the girl that he loves say love to him first, sure the chance of this is very low especially if the girl that he loves is a beautiful one.
So sure being handsome has many advantages but remember it also has disadvantages. Just accept whatever god has given to you because it must be the best for you.
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