cheat when examination

Cheating is not a good way to pass the examination, but for some reason we have to do it. For example when you have no idea about the answer or when the teacher didn't explain the material well to you, or perhaps when your teacher mark you as a stupid person and they underestimate you, So sure you have to keep your good reputation.While in the other hand when you know how to fix the question but you don't want to try to answer because you are lazy, cheating is highly unrecommended because you have a risk. Before we begin, there are a few tools that you have to prepare...

1. A smart friend ( sure nobody want the answer from the idiot person)

2. Good position ( If you seat in front and get close to your lecturer or teacher, the chance to get out from
    the class is bigger so make sure that you sit quite away from teacher eyes.)

3. Small paper (as your note)

4. Electronic gadget ( smart wrist watch, calculator, mini phone, etc)

5. Secret pocket in your pants.

Well now here we go to the problem...

First how can I get the answer from smart guy if I don't have good relationship with them?. The answer is impossible. You have to get close to the smart person, even he or she is suck or stink you still have to stay close because this is an important role for the plan. So from now you have to start trying to get close to the smart guy, because you need it someday.

When you already get close to your smart friend they will give everything and share anything to you. In the another side you also have to be kind person to the gifted person. It's aimed to get their heart. Next, ask him or her to sit close to you. The best position is right in front of your seat because you don't have to move your head so much and remember the position have to be away from the teacher.

When you are confused ask the answer by whispering or give a gesture code to them, make sure your friend understand your gesture, while your teacher does not. You can prepare the gesture code together before the examination, or if it is impossible you can make a connection through a small paper.

Well if paper is not possible you can use a smart electronic gadget that can make the connection to you, so your can transfer the answer by bluetooth, Internet connection, radio wave, etc.

The last if you teacher comes yo you because he suspect you are cheater, you can hide the evidence to your secret pocket in your pants, as I said before since you choose strategic position that away from your teacher you have a time to hide them into your secret pocket. And when the teacher get close to you, you can pretend that you are sharpening your pencil beside your tight. So his suspect is gone....

Remember cheating is a bad way, you better to study hard because you will get the satisfaction even your score is suck, only do it when the emergency situation or when you are in the hurry.
Good luck.

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