can we write everyday in blog

         Well this question may spring in your head, should we write every article in blog? the answer yes you should? wow the how about the quality of content? sure you also have to consider this one.. however for advance it is okay if write article everyday and also have a good quality of content, how about the beginner? beginner may spend 7days or more to make a good article. Sure but beginner still also have to write the article everyday, but don't post the article everyday. It is very good for us to write article everyday but we can put it as draft and fix it until become a high quality article. Some of writer able to write when the inspiration come, but the great writer will write every time, wheter the inspiration come or not, they still writing. How to be a great writer you can read here

    Actually inspiration easier come to professional writer than the beginner. For the great writer everything that seen can be an inspiration. You also can be like that. But it require hard work. Write everyday is also the best way to be a professional writer that very easy to get idea. Actually it same like when athletic built muscle, it very hard for a beginner push up even for a while, but for the athletic push up just nothing. The differences here is athletic built their muscle, while you built you creativity of writing.

    Then another problem is about the time. Maybe you are a business man or a employer, so your time for writing is very little. No problem, just use your spare time, at least 2 hours or an hour, must be enough for a busy man. I pretty sure that you will have a little time in the early morning, or before you go to bed, just use that simple time for you to write. Because when you become a professional writer you will be addicted to write, and the idea or inspiration seems to be come every time in  your life.

Remember writing has a lot of benefit and it can increase your intelligent or IQ, so this time make writing as your part of life.

mirc old chat aplication

       Since facebook came this aplication just fade and then a lot of user had gone. Well I didn't blame them, because the reason that why people leave is very reasonable. Have you heard about MIRC. Ya this chat is very popular in 20 century. By MIRC we can chat with all around people in the world. But MIRC also has a excess than the new chat. For example, by mirc we can chat with stranger not only with our friend. In fact People leave mirc because MIRC doesn't have a profil picture, like facebook, so when we chat in MIRC just like an anonymous.

    After that, now MIRC full with bots and psy. More that 50% nick name in MIRC is a bot. This is why people hate to join mirc. Because bot takes control of the room. In my first era of MIRC if am not mistaken it was in 2006 there still a lot of user in MIRC. If we intent to take a look of user picture, we have to ask the friendster id first. Well its so bad friendster isn't popular anymore since facebook.

    Does MIRC still active, yes sure, but the user measly. When you see a nick, don't judge it is a real person, if it cannot talk normally. Some bots can talk but usually they cannot talk like a human. They love to repeat some words. You can find some human, by see its activity in the room.
    If you are interested to back to the old chat, you can download MIRC, in the official website here are some server that still has many active use. You can try or
When I asked to some of them why they still want to chat in MIRC, it's because MIRC can keep thier privacy unlike the new chat. So it is very good for people who want to chat anonymously, and make a friend with stranger. Oh ya nearly forget, if you join to , don't forget to visit my channel #jedirc
We can chat everything, or perhaps about blogging hehe.

Good luck.

eliminate the laziness


       Some teacher said to their student, "you can become smart by studying diligently, but you will never smart if you are lazy. What the heck this teacher talking about. There are no reason human should give up to do something. This is a very suck motivation that I've heard from the teacher. In fact we can change the laziness become a diligent man, as long as this man want to try. How can we change laziness... just one way.. it's by motivation, but motivation is not easy to get.

        Some people get it from book, person, or even a movie. Well if you are interested you can read here --> film that can motivate yourself. Once you get motivation in yourself your life will be change. But why some people also have got motivation but they still lazy..? Why.. This is because the motivation is not strong enough to defeat the laziness. The common way people get strong motivation are love, and hatred. Well here are some illustration how people get motivation...

        People can be success and do everything that he can if they have some intention to reach something that motivate them. If there are nothing to reach how could he try to do something best. Sure lazy is a perfect way to spend the time. For example, There two you boys, the first boy is rich because his dad is a businessman, while the other one is a poor boy, his is dad unemployed

   Two of them is in junior high school now, then there are some contest among the student , and for the winner will get the money,, But only two person who join the contest, that is the rich boy and the young boy.. The rich boy treat the contest just for enjoy because he has a lot of money, he doesn't have a motivation to win and lazy to train himself. but the other boy do everything, he train himself everyday.. because of what?? because he has a motivation of something.

From this short story we can make a conclusion as long as we have strong motivation we can do everything, and eliminate the laziness.

learn new language faster

How to learn new language faster. Language is very important for human, If you don't have any language, you cannot communicate each other. There are more than 1000 language in the world. Sure it is impossible to learn all of language in the world even for Genius man. But at least you able to speak an universal language that used in UN such as, Arabic, English, Chinese, Russian, French, and Spanish. So what is the benefit for learning new language. First, you communicate will be easier, Second, By learning new language your IQ will be increase. Third, You career will be guaranteed. Well back to the topic, what should we do to learn new language faster? here are some simple tips that you should try to learn new language faster.

1. To learn language faster you should live in the real environment of its language. For example, if you want to study Arabic you have to stay in Arab. Remember native speaker is very important for us.

2. Find all of vocabulary around you, for instance, when you see chair translate it, and do same thing when you see everything that you see.

3. Love your new language. It is very hard to study something if you don't love it.. Sure you can study without love, but it will spend a long time.

4. Speak every time in your new language, sure you look like a stupid man, but it can help you to learn new language faster, you can speak in front of mirror, of you may also speak in your heart..

5. Write your journey everyday in your new language. Sure writing is important especially for structure in your new language, because it very hard to detect the structure error in the speaking.

Well those all the simple way to learn new language, but there are some advance way for learning new language, for example, you can memorize all of vocabulary in the dictionary, or perhaps you can take course everyday.. sure you can do that. But if you choose the advance way it require a work hard and it is not simple.

make good article in blog

     How you can make your enjoy by your article????, how you can people read and reread your article again and again????, how you make your article become a source for a lot of people.?????? the answer is simple your article must be good. Many people write as they want, and never care about the reader.
      It is okay if you have no intention to get income from your blog, or you just write in your personal blog... However you can write everything for your private blog even if you don't write that's okay no problem, because it is from you and for you.. So we shouldn't worry about that..
Well a good article is really important for a professional website or blog.. Because the purpose of writing here is to be read by someone..
Here are the way how to make a good article...

1. Support you article with the fact. It is important to persuade the reader about your point, because if there are no fact in your opinion, it still hard to believe with that, and your article looks like a mambo-jumbo

2. Always make a new paragraph. Don't let your article become nonstop without any space and break time for your reader to save your point in their mind. Your reader will be boring if you don't make a space or new paragraph..

3. Use a decoration such as, image, video, or flash can help your article looks better.

4. Don't really think about the structure, because it can make your article become very formal, just let it flow and become your reader enjoy, but remember don't lose control, as long as people easy to understand that is good enough even not follow the structure.

5. Not too long to write. It is okay for seo and search engine but your reader may become boring to read your long article, especially if the point that your describe not really important. Just describe the important point, don't make it too long with the crap.

6. If you don't have enough fact, you can make a trusted source, such as book, note, blog, etc

Well I think that all 6 main points to make a good article... keep writing.

how to choose good domain name

Domain name is a foundation of online business. Choose a good name for domain is not easy. Even it require a long time to decide it. Just like when we are deciding our new baby name sure we cannot decide that immediately. But don't worry I am going to give you the character of good domain name...

1. Always use .com
Remember .com is a universal domain, so it means your domain can be popular in every country. After that .com always be the first thing to visit. For example your domain name is, I'm pretty sure that a lot of your visitor will also visit, especially if they only remember the name without domain. You will lose your visitor then.

2. Make your domain as short as possible
The shorter you domain the more easy people remember it, but unfortunately all of 3 or 4 words of domain all have registered, so you have pay more money if you want to get them.

3. Choose by word
If your domain is a world, no matter it is noun, verb, or adjective all of them really makes your domain easy to remember. And the visitor can track your blog back.

4. Avoid mark and number
you should avoid mark like this - or number because its very difficult for your fans to remember your website, so they cannot revisit you again.

5. Relate to the content
If you have a domain name that relevant to the content is really helpful for the seo, for example you are selling hosting then your relate domain should be,, or, goodhosting... etc.
But in another hand if your site doesn't have a specific subject, or if your blog is a unspecific blog that have a variety subjects, you prefer to make your own brand like, gogmobo, or what ever that you want.

    You also have to consider a structure of letter. For example is much more better than After that, It also much easier to spell.
Well those are some characteristics of a good domain name. The more positive characters that you have in your domain, the more better your domain is. Good luck.

how to sleep when insomnia

Insomnia is the disease of mind. People who get insomnia will be very hard to sleep. Then If this disease cannot be handle seriously it may cause a vary problems. People who suffer insomnia will be stress and they cannot concentrate anymore. This is bad for the social relationship because he can angry without any reason or sometime drive you to be crazy. After that insomnia also bad for your academic. You cannot concentrate in your exam and will gain bad score. It also make you lost your quality job. Now the question is how we deal with insomnia? There are a few tips that may help insomnia man to get sleep....

1.  Exercise
Exercise regulary can help you to deal with insomnia. However you will fell tired and and this can help you relax to go to be sleepy. Just do exercise everyday and make sure the exercise that you choose really break the sweat. There are many exercise you can do such as, swimming, jogging, running, gym, etc

2.  Regular sleep time
Make sure that you go to bed in the right time. When you accustomed to that time, you body and mind will automatically feel sleepy, while if you pass the time you may lose your sleepy time, and hard to gain it back.

3.  Comfy bed
Chose the bed that comfortable is good idea to help you to sleep. But not only bed you also have to make your room as comfortable as you can, for example, set you air condition at the right level, use anti mosquito, or anything that makes you more comfortable.

4.  Avoid you phone
In fact phone can let your sleepy will be gone. Just trow away and forget your phone at the sleepy time. And set it to the mute, because it can disturb you sometime.

5.  Avoid caffeine and smoke
Both of them is a monster that can make you hard to sleep, so stay away from them.

So  that all of the tips that may help you. But actually the most important thing is... you also have to be relax when you try to sleep. Because the main cause people cannot sleep is because they still thinking a worst that may happen and become stress. So many people deal and get relax with meditation. I think this is a next point of number 6.. try a meditation. Well if you still cannot sleep it is better if you go to see the doctor and consult about your insomnia problem.. because it can cause a very serious problem in your life...

get visitor from facebook

Well today I will share you about tutorial how to gain visitor from facebook to your blog. This tutorial is worked if you try it seriously. Many people have given up to get visitor from facebook, because nobody want to click the link that they've posted. Many reason why people doesn't love to click your link. One of the reason is you don't use top level domain like .com, because by people more trust to your site. or perhaps people guess you are spammer by using free domain.. Afterthat you also have to post your article when it come in the right place. For example your friend make a status...

"I'm very boring today"

look at this status, you also have to post the article that connect with the status, for example you may post...

Well friend here are " 3 ways to enjoy your boring time" sure if you post like that I assume 80% they will click your link. Unfortunately many people still doesn't know about this tactics. They just post everywhere and every time in wrong place. Be careful if you do this for a long time facebook, may detect you as a spammer.

Thats it you got how the way to post, now then... how to attract and get a lot of friend from your facebook..
It is easy, you just take a handsome boy photo from the Internet, or cute girl, and make it as your facebook photo profil. Then add people as much as you can.

       Next, you may also can get inspiration by their status and make article how to solve their problem.... Well this is a simple way how to get a lot of traffic from facebook. No cheat, not spam, no virus, just a normal way. Sure there are no reason people hate you facebook account like a spammer. Furthermore you can join to a group and post your article. Remember your posting must connected to what the people are talking in that group.

So I think that all my simple tutorial how to get visitor by facebook, I hope it can increase your visitor from facebook... Good luck...

add column blogger below header

There are many reason we want to add widget or column below the header. Some people do this because it's a good place to put a banner or advertisement in their blog.. Well here are the simple tutorial how to add new widget below the header

1. Open your template. Before we begin you should download your old code first, because if this code cannot work or error in your template you still have the old code.

2. Search this code ]]></b:skin>

3. Paste this code before ]]></b:skin>
margin:10px 0;

4. Now try to search header until you find the code looks like this
<div id='header-wrapper'>
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidget="1" showaddelement="no">
<b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='test (Header)' type='Header'/>

5. Paste this code after </b:section> </div> 
<div id="yourwidget">
<b:section class='header' id='newcolumb' preferred='yes'/>

Then save and see the change in your layout...
So that all the tutorial about making a new widget after header blogger, If you still confuse about this tutorial you can leave the comment, and I will help you..

hair loss can be stopped

Hair fall is a normal process to everybody. It is important to regenerate your hair to be a new born hair. But why some people worry about hair fall. Yes sure if your hair fall is too much, or abnormal, it can lead you to be a bald man, which is no hair on the scalp. This is not a serious problem in the health, especially if you have inherit line of bald, but it can be very serious for your appearance. Sure the man who is bald, will be broke his cool, and looks more older, Can we stop the hair fall? A lot of people ask this question but they have no satisfaction about the answer..

In fact you can stop the hair fall or not is depends on your illness.. If your causes is because stress, worm, illness, you can stop it by stop the causes. But if you have inherit hair fall, you chance to stop it quite low. Well price, king, or president, the best person in world cannot stop this problem, Sure he must have a special doctor for their appearance. After that, many top artist and famous person has problem about hair fall and they still cannot break the problem. But I don't mean to say you should give up if you have an inherit line, but just warn you to do not believe to someone who said able to bring your hair back naturally. But the thing that you should do is to try to use herbal medicine. Herbal medicine which is natural, and doesn't has side effect . You may not stop the hair loss but at least you can make you hair loss is happened when you are very old or when your grandpa era.

Hair fall also can be reduce by knowing the suitable chemical treatment to your hair, you can go to see a specialist doctor about hair fall problem, and find the suitable chemical treatment for your hair...

mysteri of time machine

     Time Machine... This tool has been popular in the world since long time ago. Time machine is a tool that could make people travel through the time to go to the past or future. This topic is a debatable for now, many people support that someday scientist will be able to make time machine, in the other hand many people also say it's impossible and only saint fiction... Let's move to the affirmative side.. How could time machine can be pass through the time, this is because of the speed..

          When the speed very pass and it can break the relativity of the time. But wait a second, it's okay if we can go travel through the past, but how could we can go to the future? because there are nobody live in the future... sure it's only a joke. Some physic agree to time machine can travel go back to the past, but going to the future only in the movie. In fact if the time machine has found by someone, is not good at all... Can we imagine that if some bad person kill somebody or break any important things in the past, sure it will affect to the future. The mystery of time machine is very interesting indeed.

       A lot of research try to prove this possibility. In fact about theory of relativity we able to create time machine, if we can make a 0 gravitation. After that some people has been able to prove the theory but they only can break the quarrel of time just a few second.. So that why some people still believe about time machine is can be found some day. Einstein has try to explain about this theory but unfortunately, it's not a clear theory. We don't know what was Einstein intention, because he just loved to make mystery or perhaps he was afraid if his theory will able to destroy the world someday.

become a great writer


      Many people want to be a great writer, however if you have skill in writing there will be a lot of job waiting for you. Or perhaps you want to be a great blogger, sure your writing skill will be the main factor to develop your blog. Writing is a skill that can be developed as long as you never give up. In fact a professional writer can write a lot of article just a minutes.

     So how could it be? Sure before become a professional, they are a beginner also. In the beginner era they always do their best, that what makes them become a professional. When you are trying to write, just write what ever you can do, and trust it, as long as you want to try to write your writing skill will automatically increase.
     Well after you have a good skill of writing you also must have an idea. Some people are frustration to find the idea. In fact professional writing has a lot of idea for their craft. How can people write if they don't have any idea, sure it's impossible. Idea Is a main role in writing. When people has enough idea in their head, almost 50% of writing is done. 50% more only how they develop the idea.

       What should we do to bring a lot of idea to our brain. Not much, just love reading. Idea will come after you read something. The more article you read, the more idea you get. That why some people say writing and reading is bounded each other... When you accustomed to read and write, you will be a real writer in the world, but remember, you have to be consistent and never give up.
Because It's not easy and require a plenty of time, so if your have done to write and read everyday, but you skill still low, never give up, just do your best, nothing easy in this world, everything need to work hard, just enjoy your write and your read. Because if you enjoy it, you will not feel it likes a job, instead you fell it like a hobby, that can bring you happy.

the real gentleman

Every men want to be gentle, and every girl want to have gentleman as her boyfriend or wife. Do you think you are gentleman? well.. Don't say you are true gentleman if you don't have characteristics below, and for girl lets find the man who has this characteristics..

1. If you are a gentleman you always responsible what you have done, even when you do something bad, you admit and accept any punishment of you.

2. Gentleman will never give up, even he hasn't succeed yet, he always try and try again, there are no give up in his dictionary.

3. The true gentleman hate to fight, he only want to fight if it the last option.

4. Never hurt other people especially women..

5. He always gives positive thinking, that can support the people around them..

6. Gentlemen always accept any mistake that he has done, and go to any suggestion what people say if that is true... that means he never insist with his wrong act or behaviour..

So if you assume that the gentleman a people who is never cry, you are very wrong, everybody deserve to cry and that is normal, especially when we are sad...Even doctor has said that crying can help to clean our eyes... So just be gentleman and become a strong man...

focus when studying

The aiming of studying is get an information what we wanted for. For example, you have to get information about math, because tomorrow you will have to deal with math final examination. But why some people doesn't success on the test even they had been studying for a long time? It is because they were studying less or not focus. Focus is really important role in studying. Even 5 minute focus studying with full concentration is better that 20 hours of mambo-jumbo of studying. Well today we are going to read how to stay focus when we are studying....

1. Find a comfortable seat
If you study in a wrong place that is uncomfortable, there will be 1001 reason to stop studying. How can you focus if you have to deal with the damn mosquito, or fly, and rock and roll music shakes your ears.. Sure impossible. So by taking a seat or place that is comfortable will make your focus and enjoy your studying.

2. Always motivate yourself.
Motivation can keep you to stay focus, if you mind have flied into another space, such as your girlfriend, delicious food, or new play station.etc. try to motivate yourself back to the topic for example, I have to pass the exam tomorrow, or you can warn your self how if you cannot pass the examination tomorrow.So you can back to focus to the study again..

3. Do it one by one not a multi task.
Einstein said, he wasn't genius, he just more deep and focus into one subject. So Impossible if you studying multi task, your brain could be explode, and you won't get anything, so if you have a lot of examination tomorrow just do it one by one, and it can make your brain stay focus instead explode. 

4. Choose the right time when you are fit.
If you study at midnight there no reason to focus, there only one thing that you feel you are sleepy. You also have to set the right time when your mind on fire. In the early morning is a very good time for studying. Because your mind is still clean.

5. Avoid the disturber tools.
What is disturber tools. Is a tool that can disturb you when you are studying, for example your phone, blackberry, tv, etc. So keep away from them when you are studying, because they dazzle you when you focus.

So stay focus and concentrate....

make blog load faster

Loading in your blog is affected to you seo and visitor. If you have a slow loading of blog or website your visitor will leave your web even before they see the content. How to make blog load faster here are some tips that you should try to make your blog become fast.

1. Use seo friendly template with simple code
You have to use seo friendly template with a simple code. Too much code can make your blog become slow.I recommend you to use CSS instead table design. Because browser read CSS faster. and minimize of java script code.

2. Avoid flash
Sure flash is cool to website, but they can make your blog loading slow, so if your flash doesn't really important, you should to remove them.

3. Only use an important widget.
Many people use useless widget, such as, mini game, calender, clock and so on. In fact logically everybody has a clock in their computer and calender so it is just a crap. Nobody want to see them,

4. Use background color not image.
Use html color instead of image background will make your blog faster.

5. Minimize the image.
The less photo you have in your blog, then the faster blog your get. So again just put a photo if that very important.Sure you don't have remove them at all because it also important for your decoration, but i suggest not too much.

You cannot decide your blog is slow or fast because each person has a different speed of Internet, But don't worry I give you the link to check your blog speed here
That tool is a google insight that can help you to find how fast your blog is, and it also can help you to find the way how to increase your blog speed and what does make your blog slow.....

by fast loading blog, sure the visitor will feel comfortable to stay in your blog and come back again...

get muscle without gym

Can I get good muscle without gym? Yes sure you can. Many people go to gym for muscle building but today we will discuss how to build muscle without gym. Maybe you have your own reason or you don't have your time to go to gym. Now I will give you some way how to build muscle without go to gym.

1. Push up
Push up can help you to get muscle especial bicep and triceps, it also can help you chest looks great than before.

2. Sit up
To be six pack you have to sit up. Sit up focus in your abdomen muscle. So you also have to do this one.

3. Pull up
Pull up also train your bicep and triceps muscle, but it more harder than push up, you hanging all of your weight on your hand, while you still rest some your weight on your foot while you are doing push up. So pull up can make your hands become strong faster that push up.

4. Avoid the fatty food
Remember if you have a lot amount of fat in your body, your muscle will not be show off because it hides behind your fat. So you muscle cannot be seen.

5. Doing exercise.
You may also do exercise if you have a lot of fat. The exercise you can do such as, jogging, running, swimming, etc. This exercise aim to burn your fat and also can help to build you muscle faster.

6. Consume enough of protein and vitamin
Protein and vitamin really important as a nutrition for helping you to build your muscle. You cannot build your muscle if you don't have enough protein. You can consume, a meal, tofu, or fish for protein, while fruit is the source of vitamin. While some people in gym use the nutrition by syringe and transfer them to the body.

Those tips work if you do them routine. Sure you cannot see your muscle as fast as people lifting weight in the gym. But  since you do it by the natural way, your muscle will be more durable and tough. Remember you don't have to force yourself to do it, but the important is you do it continuously and increase the number of your exercise when you think you  are ready. For example when you strong enough 20 push up, you can try to be 25. So keep strong and be stronger.

Good luck..