how to be a good introvert

Introvert is one of the characters of human. The opposite of introvert is extrovert. A person who has an introvert tend to be silent and love be solitude. At the other hand extrovert love talking very much and making interaction. Introvert need a time to be alone. They need to recharge their energy. Many people think introvert is an anti social person. In fact introvert is not anti social, They also need a friend, girlfriend, and people who love them. A friend they are looking for is a close friend. It is very hard to be a friend for introvert. But once you have been considered as their friend, it mean you have already had a rival for your entire life. They are very loyal for their friend. Well as we know that introvert is a close person. They don't want to make a interaction if there is no reason to do that. They just want to talk when they think its important. So the question how to be a good introvert.

1. Just be introvert
If you think you are introvert just be yourself. You do not need to change yourself. It is true many people judge you are sucker. But remember there are still many introvert who understand you. People who judge you must be an extrovert. Ya it is because introvert is only 20 % in this world. So extrovert will be a stakeholder. Introvert has a charisma and inner beauty that extrovert doesn't. Many women chase a introvert man and vice versa.

2. Analysis your data
Introvert think first before they start talking, while extrovert talk without thinking. You look so cool than extrovert because you are not very much talking. But once you talk, all of your words is very important and full of meaning. So  to make it comes true, you must analyze your data before you make conclusion and start to make interaction.

3. Make interaction by your way
I know it is very hard for introvert to make a interaction to others. But remember as human we are social person who need other and socialize. In this case extrovert is one step ahead but doesn't mean ixtrovert cannot make an interaction to other. Even you don't like to start interaction, you can make interaction by yourself by following a coincidence. For example you can interact with you classmate by asking about examination, homework, or another important subject that you want to know.

4. Begin to write
Most of introvert very good in writing. It may very hard to express their idea by saying to other, but when it comes to word, it will be very nice. Introvert is hard thinker. They may surprise you when they show their hidden skill. Introvert is not a person who loves showing off to other. But when it comes to his show, extrovert is nothing. It is because introvert has tend to prepare very deep before they show it to other. So in writing they expression will come full of meaning follow by their hard thinking.

So being introvert is not bad at all. You do not have to listen to other especially for judging from extrovert. Many people force for introvert to change their behave. Extrovert become a popular in this word because their number is much more than introvert. Without introvert genius experts like Albert Einsten and others would be never exist in this world.

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