the benefit of english blog

What is the benefit of making English blog? Many people want to get money from their blog. They have tried to do their best for making good article. But after they spend a long time for doing that, they still cannot reach some bucks. What is problem? The most problem that may become a main case is the language of their blog. Many people tried to make their blog with their native language, which is not English. So most of their visitor just come from their own country. In the other hand if they make English blog, The visitor will come from a whole of world. So even you cannot speak English very well, you may use a tool on the Internet, such as, google translate, dictionary, English book etc. There are some benefits that may dazzles you to make English blog.

1. You have a lot of visitor
Every country around the world use English. Even they not use that as their native or second, but they still use it as foreign language. If you have 100 visitor from your blog that is not English blog, you can count 100 visitor from each country around the world will visit your blog.

2. You improve your English proficiency
This is the best part for making English blog. Day by day, month by month, years by years your English writing will be better. Writing is harder that speaking, so if you train yourself by write English articles, absolutely your speaking also be improved.

3. Have a lot of advertiser
Most of advertising company support English blog, and they may don't support you native language. So it will be easier to gain dollars from your blog.

So that all the benefit of English blog. So why you don't you try to make your English blog. Don't worry about your own writing. As long as you want to try to write your writing will be better. So lets move on.

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